West Union Board highlights
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Supervisor Randy Heckman. All the board members were present. Ron Button, Burt Menninger, and Shannon Lewis were also present. The board minutes from October were approved. Ron Button gave a FEMA report to the board. Dagget Sand and Gravel will be crushing gravel in the pit. The town barns roof and insulation has been completed. There were no code enforcement or water district reports this month. There also was no justice report. Shannon Lewis has been appointed Deputy Highway Superintendent to finish out the year. He gave a highway report. If you need to contact Shannon for any reason his phone number is 607-794-2306. The highway and general vouchers were presented and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm. The next town board meeting will be December 18, 2014 at 6:00pm at the town hall.
Also the Town of West Union will be featured in the Steuben County Historical News in February 2015. If anyone has any information they would like to share contact Terry Smith Saunders Rd. Rexville, NY 14877