Town of West Union
Monthly Board Meeting Summary
The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Supervisor, Randy Heckman. Board members present were Linda Mullen, Larry McCaffrey, Patty Irion, and Wendy Potter. Community members were Dale Neuenschwander, Charlene Neuenschwander, Marsha Mullen, Tom Windnagle, Dan Farrand, Ken Isman, and Vince Spagnoletti. The pledge was said be all in attendance. Keep checking out the website for updates The minutes from the April 21, 2014 meeting were approved. Vince Spagnoletti from the county was in attendance and gave updates. County route 98 will be getting done this summer. He also spoke about different things that the workfare could do for the town. Ken Isman went through the insurance and answered any questions. There was no new updates on the wind towers. The highway and general vouchers were presented and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm. Next board meeting will be June 19, 2014 at 6:00pm at the town hall.
If anyone is interested in using the town pavilion please contact Shirley McCaffrey at 607-225-4444 for reserving the pavilion.
Shirley McCaffrey
Town Clerk