Town of West Union
Monthly Board Meeting Summary
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor, Randy Heckman at 6:01. The pledge was said by all in attendance. Board members present were Larry McCaffrey, Wendy Potter, Linda Mullen, Randy Heckman and Patty Irion arrive a few minutes late. Community members present were Dale Neuenschwander, highway superintendent, Mort Mullen, code enforcer, Marsh Mullen, town justice, and Tom Deveney. Randy said the new highway truck is ordered. The quotes for the town highway barn’s roof were tabled unitl next month in order to get more information. Thank you to the people that gave us a bid. Dale gave a highway report. He showed the roads he had done and the ones that still needed done. He also reported the men and him had replaced the oil pan on the 550, and changed the grader blade, and changed out the rake teeth. Linda Mullen met with Jeff Johner from workfare and they went over what the town would like them to do. Mort Mullen said there is a grant he is going to look into to help control the chlorine levels for the water district. He also said he is working on 4 building permits. Marsha Mullen also said there is another grant she can apply for. The highway and general vouchers were presented and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm. The next board meeting will be August 21, 2014 at the Town Hall.
Shirley McCaffrey
Town Clerk