December 18
The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Supervisor, Randy Heckman. All of the board members were present. Members from the community were Mort Mullen, Marsha Mullen, Doug VanHoven, Marjorie VanHoven, Shannon Lewis, Pam Mueller, Dan Farrand, Ryan Heckman and Steward Allen. The pledge to the flag was said by all in attendance. The meeting minutes for November were approved. Shannon Lewis brought the new town truck for everyone to see. There was a FEMA update and CHIPS update. There were three canidates for highway superintendent. The board reviewed the applications and resumes and decided to appoint Shannon Lewis to fill out the term of highway superintedent. The highway, code enforcement, justice and water district reports were given. The highway and general vouchers were presented and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm. The end of the year board meeting will be held December 30, 2014 at 6:00 pm.