Town of West Union
Monthly board summary
The monthly meeting was called to order at 6:04 by Supervisor Randy Heckman. Board members present were Larry McCaffrey, Linda Mullen, Patty Irion, and Randy Heckman.
Wendy Potter was absent. Members of the community present were Tom Deveney and Ryan Heckman. The approval of the meeting minutes from July 18th were approved. The bid for the town barns roof job was awarded. There was some discussion on the CHIPS money. Dale Neuenschwander was absent but had left a highway report. This was looked over. The highway and the general vouchers were presented and approved. Randy said the first draft of the 2015 budget is being prepared. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50. The next meeting will be September 18, 2014 at 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend. Also remember if you have dogs that are not licensed they need to get a license. If you have had a dog and no longer have the dog please let me know so I can take it off the renewal form.
Shirley McCaffrey
Town Clerk